There Actually Is Strength In Numbers | Magic Room Brand blog

There Actually Is Strength In Numbers

Even when that number is 1

The more the merrier. Except for maybe things like the amount of people in an elevator with you and bills, otherwise it’s pretty much true. For the most part. You get it.

What makes that philosophy even better is when the “more” is supportive people around you that get who you are, what you’re trying to do, and how you’re trying to do it. There’s nothing better.

Years ago, my friend Noel and I spent a summer volunteering at a local Children’s Hospital here in St. Louis. I think we were 18 or 19 years old and were part of the RT department which stood for “Recreational Therapy.” Yep, it was exactly what it sounds like. We came in and played with kids for a few hours. Wheelchair basketball, art, crafts, etc. It was awesome.

One day, and I forget why, but the theme was “circus” or something and we helped the kids paint their faces like clowns. It was hilarious, messy, and one of the best days I had there doing RT. One of the kids asked Noel and I why we weren’t painting our faces. Ummmm…well…this is for kids mainly…so…well…uhhhh…

We didn’t have a good excuse.

So we said screw it and painted our faces like clowns. Horrible, hilarious, sketchy clowns. Not exactly like the scary ones that live in sewers and hold balloons…but yeah, maybe like their cousin. It was so dumb and funny and the kids loved it. Eh…whaddya gonna do?

I’ll tell you what you’re not gonna do…wash that shit off. We kept it on all day, including when it was time to go home. Noel and I couldn’t stop laughing when we got in the car and I was driving him home. We made awkward eye contact with everyone we could at every chance. Stop lights. Stop signs. Pulling up next to someone then slowing down a little to go the same speed alongside them. All of it. People were cracking up and it was a good day.

Then, I dropped him off at home.

Then I drove home.

By myself.


In full clown makeup.

Just like that, it stopped being funny and got creepy as f**k, you guys.

It went from, “Haha, look at those two funny clowns in that car! They’re having fun. Let’s wave hello!” to, “Ew…look at the creepy ass clown in that car! What’s he doing? Let’s call the cops.”

Strength in numbers.

There’s all kinds of strength that numbers bring. Strength in ability. Strength in confidence. And maybe even strength of vision or purpose. When I started Magic Room Brand to bring eco-friendly accessories to musicians everywhere, I started it alone. Today, the business is still a one-man operation, but there are a lot of people involved keeping me going…mainly because this is hard and there needs to be. But also because we all understand that it’s better that way. Graphic designers, web developers, musicians, teachers…they’re all part of this.

Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not going to make it because you’re at it alone. You know something they don’t: that there’s a lot of clowns in the backseat and we’re all having a blast.


Vijoy Rao || Founder // Magic Room Brand
Vijoy Rao || Founder // Magic Room Brand

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