Turning Your Hobby Into Your Job is Dangerous | Magic Room Brand blog

Turning Your Hobby Into Your Job is Dangerous.

Proceed with caution.

Many years ago, my dad’s physician told him that a glass of red wine every day was actually good for him. Antioxidants or something. So, he informally prescribed/suggested that my dad drink a glass every evening.

Sounds like a pretty sweet deal, right? Yeah, it kind of was.

Until all of a sudden, red wine became medicine. Officially prescribed by the doctor. Before, he was drinking, sipping, and enjoying wine. Now, he was “taking” it.

What a perfect way to remove the fun from something: take something you like to do, and make it something you have to do.

So here I am, knowing the dangers of all of this, but building my own online music supply business anyway. Magic Room Brand is still a fairly young venture, so I can still geek out and think about gear without stressing and breaking out in hives about inventory, margins, and cost structure. So, that’s good.

But, I do hope that knowledge of this phenomenon can at least give me a warning sign before it gets bad. Also, are hives still a thing? Sounds awful.

It’s a fine line to dance on when your work is also your play – a bit of a double standard, too. It’s ok for work to become fun, but letting fun become work is sketchy. I wish I had an answer on how to solve this for those of you looking to make something you love your job (or already have). I don’t have that answer.

What I can say is how the “job” part of it is perceived is crucial. For me, I don’t see working on Magic Room Brand as work. Don’t get me wrong….it’s crazy hard work and anyone who spits out the ol’ “do something you love and you never have to work a day in your life” can politely f**k right off. Seriously. It’s hard work…and a lot of it.

But, all I’m trying to do with Magic Room Brand is support and improve other people’s creative outlets. Yes, that involves marketing strategies, balance sheets, and sales, but in the end…

…if the main goal is sharing your passion and hobby with other people that have that same passion and hobby, then you can both work and play at the same time without them being the same thing.

No seriously, I’m asking. I have no idea.

Anyway, so far…so good. I play and work everyday, and the line between those can be blurry sometimes, but it’s still there.

Stay with me on this ride.


Vijoy Rao || Founder // Magic Room Brand
Vijoy Rao || Founder // Magic Room Brand

One comment

  1. i’m hoping you’re right about that work/play/hobby/passion, Vijoy. if not, you and me might both need to get another real job someday. 😉 onward!

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