If You Were an Action Figure, What Would You Come With? | Magic Room Brand blog

If You Were an Action Figure, What Would You Come With?

Our accessories can say a lot about us

We’ve all heard a million times how we’re each most likely at our “purest” selves when we’re kids. They (the ambiguous “they”) say that life is simpler and more care-free back in childhood. I’m not sure about all that, as complications and cares are relevant and ever-present with everyone at every age, even though they change over time, but the more I think about it, the more I’d have to agree that childhood is a time where we aren’t as jaded and ignorance reigns blissfully.

It’s as if somewhere along the line of growing up, we were all force-fed the red pill from The Matrix when we were all happy with a steady diet of blue pills.

But I recently came across a bunch of old toys in my parents’ basement and if there was ever a functioning time machine, it’s finding old toys in your parents’ basement. You know, there’s a lot of great things about having kids, but one of them is that you get to rediscover and play with your old toys again. It was remarkable how good of condition many of these toys were in, and even more remarkable that many action figures still had their accessories.

Accessory: ac-ces-so-ry (noun)

Roughly defined, an accessory is something that is added to something (or someone) which results in an enhancement. Some of you will recall from childhood that every action figure you were lucky enough to get included at least one, but most likely two, of these accessories.

Maybe it was a lightsaber, or a blaster, or a shovel. But whatever it was, the goal of those accessories were to enable and empower that character with a greater ability to do whatever it was they were supposed to do, i.e. capture the bad guys, capture the good guys, build the bridge, dig the hole, etc. Those two accessories were part of who they were, what they stood for, and how they went about their purpose of existence. It was everything you needed to know about them.

Those accessories, really, were kind of everything.

Elegance in simplicity

But what about us right now? As we grow older, we collect more things. It just happens, and regardless of what you’ve read about how we need to get rid of things and live a simpler life blah blah blah, the truth is: the more you do in life, the more things you’re going to collect. It’s ok. You’re not a bad person because of it. If you actually are a bad person, then it’s probably because of other things and c’mon, man, get it together.

Humor me here: What if we, as actual people, had to choose what two accessories we could have? Whoah…slow down, choosing just two things as your “comes with the package” accessory is incredibly difficult. Think about it for a bit…

If you were an action figure, what are the two accessories that would be included with you?

Reminder: These accessories should enable and empower you with a greater ability to do whatever it is you are supposed to do.

“Two? Hmmm…can one be a box full of things?”

No. Stop it. Only two accessories that define you, your outlook, your purpose, and priorities.

[Go ahead and take a second. Stop reading this, look up, and really think about it. Don’t worry, I’ll wait right here.]

Back? Hi.

Crazy right? It’s harder than you think because it requires you to first know what your true purpose is and what you’re “supposed” to be doing. It’s ok if you don’t know that yet, I’d imagine few of us don’t, but thinking about it this way is a way to put a spotlight on it and really take a good look.

If you can’t come up with just two, don’t worry…it’s just an exercise to reflect on what your priorities are and how you perceive your purpose. If you did come up with two, but aren’t exactly thrilled at what they were and what it might mean, well…that’s telling, too.

What did you come up with?

If you’re being honest with yourself, then what you come up with might surprise you. Is it your phone, your laptop, or your car? Perhaps a pair of sunglasses, or a paintbrush, or a baseball?

No matter what — or how many things — you do in life, show up with the right gear so you can do you, and live your best life. Your accessories can help you do things, but they can also guide you towards what you really need to be doing and how you should be doing it.

Read this far? Thanks. Comment below on what you ended up with.

Me: A pair of drumsticks and a pencil.


Vijoy Rao || Founder // Magic Room Brand
Vijoy Rao || Founder // Magic Room Brand

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