WorkHard - BeNice | Magic Room Brand

The 2 Things I Tell My 6 YO Every Morning …

DISCLAIMER: I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to parenting.

We all know it. There’s only so much that we have control over in our respective lives. We do what we can do, the best we can do it. And…well…that’s pretty much it.

But I’ve learned that not everything else happens entirely by chance. You can put yourself in a place where you’re surrounded by people and circumstances that can support what you’re doing. This support could be real — either directly or indirectly — or just perceived, which, let’s be honest, is helpful in its own way. I’ll take it.

As the bus pulls up and I’m throwing his backpack on him, I tell my six year-old every morning:

“Work hard and be nice.”

  1. Work hard.
  2. Be nice.

Yes. I know I am not the only person to tell my kid this. But the intentional oversimplification to two things is the point. If those two things are done, it gives all the other things a fighting chance to figure it out.

I started Magic Room Brand in December of 2015, and both working hard and being nice has paid off. I’ve met a lot of incredible people just in the past year. Actually, it’s kind of weird how kindergarten and starting a business from scratch are almost identical.

Work Hard
If you’re able to teach yourself how to work hard all the time — it’ll serve you in the long term to have that high standard as your default setting. People that work hard not only get shit done, but they attract other people that work hard.

Yes, you want people that know how to work hard to be around you all the time.

Be Nice
Being nice is probably the best way to learn how to do a lot of things. It’s not always easy to do, and let’s face it, being too nice is a real thing and can cause problems.

But being nice means that you’ll most likely attract all kinds of interesting people into your life. Musicians. Artists. Lawyers. Chefs. Photographers. Entrepreneurs. Teachers. Designers. Doctors. Athletes. Bankers. Actors. Yogis. Radio broadcasters. Having a wide range of people in your life gives you insight into the weirdest stuff, and results in a life full of stories.

Consider it like a “friend tool belt.” There they are. Waiting patiently for when you need them. The more tools you have, the more you’ll be able to do, and the more insight, expertise, and advice you’ll have available.

Working hard
Being nice
Having amazing people around you all the time.

You don’t always have to agree with everyone. Hell, you don’t even have to understand everyone. But if you accept differences and know that there’s more to people than how they’re different from you, then you win.

Whether you’re in kindergarten or an adult trying to build a business, the people with which you surround yourself tells you a lot about the kind of person you are and will be.

Do what’s in your control and give the rest a fighting chance.


Vijoy Rao || Founder // Magic Room Brand
Vijoy Rao || Founder // Magic Room Brand

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